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Mobile app testing: Get feedback from real users

Mobile app testing: Get feedback from real users
When you beta test an app, you let a set of people try out the app before it’s released to the general public. Your testers may discover issues that you’ve overlooked, such as misspellings, confusing app flow, or errors that could cause the app to crash. You’ll then have a chance to fix those problems before you release the app to the public, resulting in a more polished final product.
AWS Device Farm - Improve the quality of your iOS, Android and Fire OS apps
by testing them against real smartphones and tablets in the AWS Cloud. - PreApps rewards users for their engagement and being a contributive member of the PreApps community. - Apps with less than 4 stars are unlikely to succeed in the App Market.
Testing by friends, family, and using emulators is insufficient. Using elusivestars Developers have their Apps tested by real users with real devices. elusivestars manages App distribution and collects Member feedback. Developers use the feedback to improve their Apps. If they list your app, you can get between 50 and 300 beta testers as long as your app has not launched and you have a landing page where users can join your beta list. - Test your app for free. Beta Family is a crowdtesting platform for beta testing iOS and Android applications. You can test apps on real people and get an honest opinion on the user experience. - Testing Services Across the App Lifecycle. Applause puts your app through its paces via the world's largest community of professional testers. Understand how your app will work in the real-world by testing with real people on real devices across locations and use cases that match your actual users. - Crowdtesting for mobile apps, websites and more. - A free mobile platform for developers, managers and testers.  Fortune 500 companies, investors, top publishers, independents, students... from experts to beginners, they’re all here. Most of the world's developers rely on the TestFlight platform for beta testing, crash reporting and analytics. - streams your mobile apps from the cloud to any device. -Distribute beta versions on iOS, Android, Mac OS X, and Windows, collect live crash reports, get feedback from users, recruit new testers, and analyze test coverage.

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